Important News from the GMC
Hello NC PAC of the GM Church,
We have a lot of information to share in the coming months and our Newsletters will be packed with important information. Please take some time to read the information and reach out if you have any questions. We will be transitioning to a different email platform shortly so stay tuned!
Is your church near a college campus in North Carolina? Please respond to and let us know the name of the campus you are near and if your church has a liaison that would be willing to reach out to GM Church students to minister to them throughout the school year. Also, if you have a campus ministry in your church with plans of ministering to students this school year please let us know!
General Conference
September 20-26, 2024 in San Jose, Costa Rica
Pray with Us
~The Prayer Committee of the Transitional Commission on Convening General Conference (TCCGC) is excited to invite you to participate in a special season of prayer and fasting in preparation for our upcoming historic Convening General Conference. This intentional period of dedicated prayer and fasting is designed to empower the Lord’s work through the Global Methodist Church, as we unite around the theme of the Convening General Conference: “So The World Will Know.” This initiative offers an excellent opportunity for us to demonstrate our collective dependence on the Lord’s empowerment to fuel our movement.
Access the 40-Day Prayer Guide!
August 7 to September 15, 2024
Conference Prayer Team
~The Conference Prayer Team invites you to join in monthly prayer gatherings on the 1st Thursday of each month at 6:09 pm (time is a reference to Matthew 6:9, The Lord's Prayer). If interested in joining please give your full name in an email requesting the zoom link to
Volunteers Needed
~Volunteers are needed at the once-in a lifetime Convening General Conference of the Global Methodist Church. There are several opportunities to join in making church history happen. Look into the opportunities and apply here.
Connectional Commissions
~Do you have experiences, gifts, knowledge or passions for serving the GM Church on a Connectional Commission? The commissions will meet by zoom to build reflecting the needs of our global church. If you are interested in serving on one of our Connectional Commissions, please submit your Nomination here by August 2. To learn more about the eight commissions please visit GMC General Conference (
Livestreaming at General Conference
~All of the worship services will be livestreaming along with key plenary sessions. We hope that many will join online for this exciting event! Churches and Annual Conferences are encouraged to host watch parties for the big worship services.
Make sure to like and follow the 2024 Convening General Conference Facebook page here.
For more information and to learn more about General Conference 2024 please visit
IMPORTANT Branding Guidelines from the Global Methodist Church
We understand the excitement of new churches joining our denomination, but we encourage careful consideration in creating branded items. Our name, logo, and the combination of the two are protected under U.S. trademark law. We strictly grant licenses to churches for their official use, with limitations on how the name and logo can be utilized.
Our first, strong recommendation is to utilize the GMC Store for any church-related items. Our vendor ensures compliance with our brand standards, and they can accommodate special orders if needed. Contact information for special orders is available on the GMC Store website or you may email Karon McMakin at It's important to note that proceeds from purchases support the Ministerial Training Fund, making this an impactful choice for our denomination.
If our vendor cannot fulfill specific needs, like church signs, we ask churches to reach out to us directly for logo files unless they already have them. We provide detailed trademark guidelines and usage instructions to prevent unauthorized use of our brand. It's crucial that any created items receive pre-approval. Please email Teresa Marcus at for approval.
~GM Churches are not permitted to create and sell merchandise without additional approval and review by the GM Church marketing team.
~GM churches may not create their own logo or alter the existing logo. Churches don’t have to use the GM Church logo, but it cannot be replaced with something a GM Church created.
~GM logo files are not permitted to be shared with other churches or members of your congregation.
~The use of the official GM Church templates is also strongly encouraged.
Please reach out to Shannon Medlin at for assistance and guidance if your church needs specialty items printed or if your church needs templates for business cards, letterhead, membership certificates or other items.
The GM Church would like to know suggestions for additional templates that might be helpful for your church. Please email Shannon Medlin at with your suggestions.
The Communications Team